Jumat, 25 Februari 2011


Understanding the basic fishing can be divided into two major categories, namely

     * Fishing basis with depths up to 100m so-called Bottom Fishing.
     * Fishing basis with a depth of more than 100M usually called Deep Bottom Fishing.

The series of Deep Bottom Fishing has some differences with the series of Bottom Fishing, especially in terms of materials used, but structurally as well as a series of Deep Bottom Fishing Bottom Fishing is the same. Here areis the basic fishing standard circuit structure :

Main Ropes / Mainline: is a string with a length of several hundred meters that connects anglers with the leader or terminal rig. In order Mainline is to reduce or drown bait down to the seabed. Several kinds of type string can be used as Mainline, but for reasons of parsimony, most anglers use a type of nylon monofilament as the main rope. Even so there are some anglers who feel more comfortable using a rope braided / Pe as a main rope with reason, not braided rope is stretched so that gives an opportunity for anglers to feel the vibration provided by a fish when it hit the bait with more sensitive.
Leader / Rig Terminal: It is the rope 2 to 5 meters long that connects the main rope with some eye hook and a weight attached to the leader. Leader or the terminal can use a nylon monofilament rig but better off using steel fiber cables (slings) to avoid the breakup leader due to the sharp teeth of fish and also due to friction with the rough surface of the reef. To connect the hook with leader used a short trace. A trace placed on the leader by using knots / knot or with the use of swivel.
Trace: a few centimeters of rope that is useful for connecting the hook with leader / terminal rig. Trace attached to the terminal rig to use knots / knot or by means of swivel. So the trace can be mounted and easily removable from the leader to replace a broken hook or to change the size of the hook.
Kail Eye / Hook: Every eye hook fastened padasetiap trace tip mounted on a leader.
Weights / sinker: is the ballast that weighs adapted to fast currents and water depth. The more weight, the faster the bait and fishing rod series will reach the bottom of the sea. Ballast is usually made from metal, tin, iron and other metals.

In some cases fitted with a series of basic fishing bait bags / chumbag trace mounted on top or attached to the swivel that connects the leader with Mainline. Ordinary Chumbag filled with chopped fresh fish for more fish attract predators.

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