Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Specifications On Ropes Fishing / Kenur

Fishing lines / kenur currently circulating in the market dominated by monofilament with green color and clear, so do not be surprised if we buy a new reel that has been filled rope / kenur contains will we get the rope with one color. One thing to keep in mind the nature of the monofilament is its ability to restore her original kebentuk where rope / kenur rolled up, this trait is called memory. Memory on a curly monofilament lead rope which causes the rope thrown hard to the extent that we want, tangled, and sometimes frustrating.
To avoid memory on the monofilament, make sure to remove all the straps / kenur from the reel, tie the ends on a pole. Then we roll back to pull the rope so the rope a little bit tense. Do this on a regular basis, once a month or two months.
Monofilament fishing line is / kenur the best readily available for use in all fields of fishing and all engineering mincing
In conducting the election and to buy fishing lines / kenur, there are some specifications that should be noted:
Strength Test Test Strength is the maximum rope force in fighting a fish before it finally broke. Test strength is not based on the weight of the fish but rather on how powerful a fish in the conduct of resistance, for example, is a fish with a weight of 4kg at the time of resistance could generate power equivalent to 6 even 8kg. Test strength a fishing line can be read on the packaging. The larger the numbers written the greater the power cord / kenur it. Test strength is usually the first specification is viewed and searched by the angler.
When we try to conquer the resistance of a fish, keep the rod tip (rod tip) is always on top until the rod looks curved. When the rod curved power generated from the resistance of a fish is transferred through fishing lines / kenur toward the rod, with fish, this is how power can be absorbed by the rod.
This is why an angler to lift a big fish using fishing lines that test low strenghtnya. Basically try to keep it for the fish head facing up and strap in a state of theta stretched / strained.
Diameter is the thickness of fishing line / kenur. The diameter of an impact on how deep the lure is located at the end of the rope to dive. When we mengusahaka lure to dive or swim, then the same time we're also moving water. The larger diameter fishing line / kenur we use, the more water we move. Larger diameter rope will move more water compared with a smaller diameter rope.
In conclusion, the lure will dive more deeply when we use small-diameter rope. In addition, the diameter of fishing line / kenur also closely related to how much reel can accommodate kenur. The larger diameter rope kenur the less that can fit a reel.
Stretch is the ability or power expansion of a fishing line / kenur. Stretch is usually only dklasifikasikan to monofilament which if not elastic strap will easily disconnected. In contrast to the rope so-called super lines (braided or PE) who has very minimal power supple did not even have elastic properties, but very strong and difficult to cut. Super lines are very strong, could even cut off the fish's mouth than the rope. The label on the packaging, stretch on the super lines are classified as Low Stretch, Medium Stretch, and Minimal Stretch.
Abrassion Resistance
Abrasion Resistance is how resistant a fishing line / kenur when rubbing against hard objects (rocks, submerged timber, fish teeth) water based, lecetkah, tergoreskah, lukakah or even broken. On packaging for abrasion resistance High Abrasion Resistance written or Extra though. In buying kenur, If we would go fishing open areas that are not rocky and there is not much water based barrier, abrasion resistance can be ignored.
Strength Knotted, the knot can weaken and meregaskan kenur, because by making knots means we folded the folding kenur and melilitnya then mengeraskannya. Several types of knots can reduce strength fishing lines / kenur
As we know, a lot of choices on the market to buy paning fishing lines and other equipment, but remember that to purchase the fishing lines and other equipment we have to adjust to our fishing conditions and techniques.

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