Many of us make mistakes - this error while fishing, which led to our fishing destination to get the target fish failed. The first time you do after your fishing is an evaluation, whether your fishing technique is correct, and if everything goes according to the good. Whether you are fishing in the wild and in the fishing pond, all of them, of course, require evaluation techniques, maybe you made some mistakes in fishing as follows:
- Salah dalam umpan. Umpan yang anda gunakan tidak sesuai dengan yang disenangi ikan. Biasanya banyak orang membawa banyak umpan untuk memancing di kolam, atau sudah meraciknya di rumah, ada baiknya anda mencari bocoran informasi tentang target sasaran anda nanti, jenis apa yang menjadi maskot, ikan tersebut berasal dari daerah mana, terkadang menentukan asal ikan kita akan mendapat informasi berharga makanan apa saja yang di konsumsi ikan di daerah asalnya. Untuk yang memancing di perairan umum bawalah umpan yang sesuai dengan target sasaran anda, misalnya anda mencari ikan nila, maka anda membawa umpan lumut yang merupakan kesukaan ikan ini, dengan mencelupkannya pada rebusan bekicot misalnya maka umpan ini merupakan favorit ikan nila.
- Salah jam atau waktu, ikan memiliki kebiasaan waktu dalam hal makan, jenis ikan lele, sidat dan ikan gabus memiliki pola makan aktif pada malam hari, conoh lagi ikan nila dan mujair aktif pada siang hari. Dengan memilih waktu makan yang tepat, maka proses pemancingan dapat menghasilkan lebih banyak dari yang anda kira. Mungkin ada bagusnya anda mempelajari sifat dan kebiasaan makan ikan dari buku – buku dan juga sifat biologis ikan.
- Kondisi lokasi memancing kurang mendukung. Penyebabnya adalah terlalu banyak tanaman air atau terlalu banyak Lumpur. Ikan lebih menyukai kondisi air yang sedikit ada tanaman air dan juga kondisi air yang cukup bening. Kondisi terbaik adalah jika warna air cukup hijau karena kandungan ganggang atau lumut, namun tidak terlalu keruh. Ikan juga tidak menyenangi lumpur, kandungan lumpur yang terlalu banyak menyebabkan kandungan oksigen berkurang dan ikan menjadi tidak aktif dalam mencari makan. Ikan akan cenderung berada di dasar kolam dan tidak mau makan. Pelajarilah kondisi air sebelum anda memancing, baik jika anda mau memancing di kolam atau memancing di perairan bebas.
Memancing memang bukan sebuah pekerjaan yang rumit, dengan sedikit evaluasi dari hasil pemancingan anda tentu saja anda akan mendapatkan ikan target anda dengan hasil yang maksimal.
Senin, 28 Februari 2011
Sea fishing
Sea fishing is an activity, sport, hobby or a way of catching fish at sea and be done starting from the beach to the sea with the help of angler fish.
In sea water, fish at this age can be done by:
* Fishing seafront
* Fishing sea
* Fishing sea level
In addition, the current conditions in the sea fishing can be done during the day (from morning to evening) and also at night. However, all fishing activities in the sea sometimes always depends also with weather conditions in the vicinity....
Weather Factor
Not every fish in the sea fishing is always successful. When fishing at sea, weather factors or natural factors are very influential in the catch. Weather factor usually depends on various factors.
Weather factors above sea level
Sun and Moon
The heat of the sun in the daytime at least occasionally affect fish activity. Good fishing is just before the morning or dawn, which is biologically the new fish out of his sleep and find food. Continued until noon the sun continues to shine brightly without a cloudy and dark.
While at night affect the presence or absence of the moon. At night fishing is good is when there is no moon or in other words when there is no light. Because sea water contains salt so if there is moonlight at night will cause the rod string that is in the sea water will look like fire, it caused because of the light or light from above the water surface. But to lure the squid or shrimp more often done at night when no moon is actually the best time, because these animals are very attracted to light that causes them to accumulate in sea level when no moon. That's why fishing at night using lights or pumped to search for small fish, shrimp and squid.
Wind, Waves and Clouds
Wind speed also affects fish activity, because the absence of waves is a result of wind. From the wind will cause the waves and could also affect the presence or absence of clouds. If fishing in the middle of the bay is steep when the big wave fish smaller usually will go to the bay leading to the big fish also come into the bay to find prey.
Wind flow also depends on the weather and season. If overcast and the sun is blocked or dim, marine fish are also usually will swim and be more into the water or even into the seabed. When rain or the rainy season, fish tend to be much less because the salinity of sea water or salt content in sea water is reduced due to the amount of fresh water is wasted to the sea level has also been increased by the flow of the river estuary where fresh water is wasted into the sea and cause fish to to sea, to sea floor or hide fabricated. Meanwhile, if rain occurs in the middle of the sea and only briefly let alone when the new rains let up sometimes fish will get hungry and aggressive.
Weather factors in sea water
Seawater temperature
The temperature of sea water is very influential on the fish, if too hot the fish will be more into the sea or into the sea to seek the cooler temperatures, but at a slightly higher temperature the fish will be more aggressive in looking for food. Meanwhile, if the sea water temperature is too cold, the fish will be less in appetite and less aggressive. Tropical sea water temperature ranges from 26-35 degrees Celsius while in the polar regions could be close to zero degrees Celsius. Flow of sea water
Water flow is influenced by the circumstances surrounding sea. Many events during weak wind situations, the water flow can be fast or strong winds at the time of the water currents in the ocean just weak. So the water flow is not affected by wind.
If the flow of sea water can be seen on the fishing firm basis by the tilt rod string when lead weights and bait fishing hook is touching the bottom of the sea. Sometimes the hook can be shifted very far away or even not to touch the seabed. Things like this can be overcome by giving larger weights. Like air, sea water moves from the cold temperature leading to warmer temperatures. At the second meeting of these currents are usually fish a lot together. Sea water clarity Factors clarity or turbidity of sea water are also noteworthy. Sometimes poor water turbidity or amount of waste can lead to reduced fish. When the better is the state of the surrounding sea and clear blue light and the sun shines hot. Sometimes differences in ocean color can be caused by sunlight that dim or blocked by clouds, it can cause sea water looks cloudy.
In sea water, fish at this age can be done by:
* Fishing seafront
* Fishing sea
* Fishing sea level
In addition, the current conditions in the sea fishing can be done during the day (from morning to evening) and also at night. However, all fishing activities in the sea sometimes always depends also with weather conditions in the vicinity....
Weather Factor
Not every fish in the sea fishing is always successful. When fishing at sea, weather factors or natural factors are very influential in the catch. Weather factor usually depends on various factors.
Weather factors above sea level
Sun and Moon
The heat of the sun in the daytime at least occasionally affect fish activity. Good fishing is just before the morning or dawn, which is biologically the new fish out of his sleep and find food. Continued until noon the sun continues to shine brightly without a cloudy and dark.
While at night affect the presence or absence of the moon. At night fishing is good is when there is no moon or in other words when there is no light. Because sea water contains salt so if there is moonlight at night will cause the rod string that is in the sea water will look like fire, it caused because of the light or light from above the water surface. But to lure the squid or shrimp more often done at night when no moon is actually the best time, because these animals are very attracted to light that causes them to accumulate in sea level when no moon. That's why fishing at night using lights or pumped to search for small fish, shrimp and squid.
Wind, Waves and Clouds
Wind speed also affects fish activity, because the absence of waves is a result of wind. From the wind will cause the waves and could also affect the presence or absence of clouds. If fishing in the middle of the bay is steep when the big wave fish smaller usually will go to the bay leading to the big fish also come into the bay to find prey.
Wind flow also depends on the weather and season. If overcast and the sun is blocked or dim, marine fish are also usually will swim and be more into the water or even into the seabed. When rain or the rainy season, fish tend to be much less because the salinity of sea water or salt content in sea water is reduced due to the amount of fresh water is wasted to the sea level has also been increased by the flow of the river estuary where fresh water is wasted into the sea and cause fish to to sea, to sea floor or hide fabricated. Meanwhile, if rain occurs in the middle of the sea and only briefly let alone when the new rains let up sometimes fish will get hungry and aggressive.
Weather factors in sea water
Seawater temperature
The temperature of sea water is very influential on the fish, if too hot the fish will be more into the sea or into the sea to seek the cooler temperatures, but at a slightly higher temperature the fish will be more aggressive in looking for food. Meanwhile, if the sea water temperature is too cold, the fish will be less in appetite and less aggressive. Tropical sea water temperature ranges from 26-35 degrees Celsius while in the polar regions could be close to zero degrees Celsius. Flow of sea water
Water flow is influenced by the circumstances surrounding sea. Many events during weak wind situations, the water flow can be fast or strong winds at the time of the water currents in the ocean just weak. So the water flow is not affected by wind.
If the flow of sea water can be seen on the fishing firm basis by the tilt rod string when lead weights and bait fishing hook is touching the bottom of the sea. Sometimes the hook can be shifted very far away or even not to touch the seabed. Things like this can be overcome by giving larger weights. Like air, sea water moves from the cold temperature leading to warmer temperatures. At the second meeting of these currents are usually fish a lot together. Sea water clarity Factors clarity or turbidity of sea water are also noteworthy. Sometimes poor water turbidity or amount of waste can lead to reduced fish. When the better is the state of the surrounding sea and clear blue light and the sun shines hot. Sometimes differences in ocean color can be caused by sunlight that dim or blocked by clouds, it can cause sea water looks cloudy.
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011
Specifications On Ropes Fishing / Kenur
Fishing lines / kenur currently circulating in the market dominated by monofilament with green color and clear, so do not be surprised if we buy a new reel that has been filled rope / kenur contains will we get the rope with one color. One thing to keep in mind the nature of the monofilament is its ability to restore her original kebentuk where rope / kenur rolled up, this trait is called memory. Memory on a curly monofilament lead rope which causes the rope thrown hard to the extent that we want, tangled, and sometimes frustrating.
To avoid memory on the monofilament, make sure to remove all the straps / kenur from the reel, tie the ends on a pole. Then we roll back to pull the rope so the rope a little bit tense. Do this on a regular basis, once a month or two months.
Monofilament fishing line is / kenur the best readily available for use in all fields of fishing and all engineering mincing
In conducting the election and to buy fishing lines / kenur, there are some specifications that should be noted:
Strength Test Test Strength is the maximum rope force in fighting a fish before it finally broke. Test strength is not based on the weight of the fish but rather on how powerful a fish in the conduct of resistance, for example, is a fish with a weight of 4kg at the time of resistance could generate power equivalent to 6 even 8kg. Test strength a fishing line can be read on the packaging. The larger the numbers written the greater the power cord / kenur it. Test strength is usually the first specification is viewed and searched by the angler.
When we try to conquer the resistance of a fish, keep the rod tip (rod tip) is always on top until the rod looks curved. When the rod curved power generated from the resistance of a fish is transferred through fishing lines / kenur toward the rod, with fish, this is how power can be absorbed by the rod.
This is why an angler to lift a big fish using fishing lines that test low strenghtnya. Basically try to keep it for the fish head facing up and strap in a state of theta stretched / strained.
Diameter is the thickness of fishing line / kenur. The diameter of an impact on how deep the lure is located at the end of the rope to dive. When we mengusahaka lure to dive or swim, then the same time we're also moving water. The larger diameter fishing line / kenur we use, the more water we move. Larger diameter rope will move more water compared with a smaller diameter rope.
In conclusion, the lure will dive more deeply when we use small-diameter rope. In addition, the diameter of fishing line / kenur also closely related to how much reel can accommodate kenur. The larger diameter rope kenur the less that can fit a reel.
Stretch is the ability or power expansion of a fishing line / kenur. Stretch is usually only dklasifikasikan to monofilament which if not elastic strap will easily disconnected. In contrast to the rope so-called super lines (braided or PE) who has very minimal power supple did not even have elastic properties, but very strong and difficult to cut. Super lines are very strong, could even cut off the fish's mouth than the rope. The label on the packaging, stretch on the super lines are classified as Low Stretch, Medium Stretch, and Minimal Stretch.
Abrassion Resistance
Abrasion Resistance is how resistant a fishing line / kenur when rubbing against hard objects (rocks, submerged timber, fish teeth) water based, lecetkah, tergoreskah, lukakah or even broken. On packaging for abrasion resistance High Abrasion Resistance written or Extra though. In buying kenur, If we would go fishing open areas that are not rocky and there is not much water based barrier, abrasion resistance can be ignored.
Strength Knotted, the knot can weaken and meregaskan kenur, because by making knots means we folded the folding kenur and melilitnya then mengeraskannya. Several types of knots can reduce strength fishing lines / kenur
As we know, a lot of choices on the market to buy paning fishing lines and other equipment, but remember that to purchase the fishing lines and other equipment we have to adjust to our fishing conditions and techniques.
To avoid memory on the monofilament, make sure to remove all the straps / kenur from the reel, tie the ends on a pole. Then we roll back to pull the rope so the rope a little bit tense. Do this on a regular basis, once a month or two months.
Monofilament fishing line is / kenur the best readily available for use in all fields of fishing and all engineering mincing
In conducting the election and to buy fishing lines / kenur, there are some specifications that should be noted:
Strength Test Test Strength is the maximum rope force in fighting a fish before it finally broke. Test strength is not based on the weight of the fish but rather on how powerful a fish in the conduct of resistance, for example, is a fish with a weight of 4kg at the time of resistance could generate power equivalent to 6 even 8kg. Test strength a fishing line can be read on the packaging. The larger the numbers written the greater the power cord / kenur it. Test strength is usually the first specification is viewed and searched by the angler.
When we try to conquer the resistance of a fish, keep the rod tip (rod tip) is always on top until the rod looks curved. When the rod curved power generated from the resistance of a fish is transferred through fishing lines / kenur toward the rod, with fish, this is how power can be absorbed by the rod.
This is why an angler to lift a big fish using fishing lines that test low strenghtnya. Basically try to keep it for the fish head facing up and strap in a state of theta stretched / strained.
Diameter is the thickness of fishing line / kenur. The diameter of an impact on how deep the lure is located at the end of the rope to dive. When we mengusahaka lure to dive or swim, then the same time we're also moving water. The larger diameter fishing line / kenur we use, the more water we move. Larger diameter rope will move more water compared with a smaller diameter rope.
In conclusion, the lure will dive more deeply when we use small-diameter rope. In addition, the diameter of fishing line / kenur also closely related to how much reel can accommodate kenur. The larger diameter rope kenur the less that can fit a reel.
Stretch is the ability or power expansion of a fishing line / kenur. Stretch is usually only dklasifikasikan to monofilament which if not elastic strap will easily disconnected. In contrast to the rope so-called super lines (braided or PE) who has very minimal power supple did not even have elastic properties, but very strong and difficult to cut. Super lines are very strong, could even cut off the fish's mouth than the rope. The label on the packaging, stretch on the super lines are classified as Low Stretch, Medium Stretch, and Minimal Stretch.
Abrassion Resistance
Abrasion Resistance is how resistant a fishing line / kenur when rubbing against hard objects (rocks, submerged timber, fish teeth) water based, lecetkah, tergoreskah, lukakah or even broken. On packaging for abrasion resistance High Abrasion Resistance written or Extra though. In buying kenur, If we would go fishing open areas that are not rocky and there is not much water based barrier, abrasion resistance can be ignored.
Strength Knotted, the knot can weaken and meregaskan kenur, because by making knots means we folded the folding kenur and melilitnya then mengeraskannya. Several types of knots can reduce strength fishing lines / kenur
As we know, a lot of choices on the market to buy paning fishing lines and other equipment, but remember that to purchase the fishing lines and other equipment we have to adjust to our fishing conditions and techniques.
Understanding the basic fishing can be divided into two major categories, namely
* Fishing basis with depths up to 100m so-called Bottom Fishing.
* Fishing basis with a depth of more than 100M usually called Deep Bottom Fishing.
The series of Deep Bottom Fishing has some differences with the series of Bottom Fishing, especially in terms of materials used, but structurally as well as a series of Deep Bottom Fishing Bottom Fishing is the same. Here areis the basic fishing standard circuit structure :
Main Ropes / Mainline: is a string with a length of several hundred meters that connects anglers with the leader or terminal rig. In order Mainline is to reduce or drown bait down to the seabed. Several kinds of type string can be used as Mainline, but for reasons of parsimony, most anglers use a type of nylon monofilament as the main rope. Even so there are some anglers who feel more comfortable using a rope braided / Pe as a main rope with reason, not braided rope is stretched so that gives an opportunity for anglers to feel the vibration provided by a fish when it hit the bait with more sensitive.
Leader / Rig Terminal: It is the rope 2 to 5 meters long that connects the main rope with some eye hook and a weight attached to the leader. Leader or the terminal can use a nylon monofilament rig but better off using steel fiber cables (slings) to avoid the breakup leader due to the sharp teeth of fish and also due to friction with the rough surface of the reef. To connect the hook with leader used a short trace. A trace placed on the leader by using knots / knot or with the use of swivel.
Trace: a few centimeters of rope that is useful for connecting the hook with leader / terminal rig. Trace attached to the terminal rig to use knots / knot or by means of swivel. So the trace can be mounted and easily removable from the leader to replace a broken hook or to change the size of the hook.
Kail Eye / Hook: Every eye hook fastened padasetiap trace tip mounted on a leader.
Weights / sinker: is the ballast that weighs adapted to fast currents and water depth. The more weight, the faster the bait and fishing rod series will reach the bottom of the sea. Ballast is usually made from metal, tin, iron and other metals.
In some cases fitted with a series of basic fishing bait bags / chumbag trace mounted on top or attached to the swivel that connects the leader with Mainline. Ordinary Chumbag filled with chopped fresh fish for more fish attract predators.
* Fishing basis with depths up to 100m so-called Bottom Fishing.
* Fishing basis with a depth of more than 100M usually called Deep Bottom Fishing.
The series of Deep Bottom Fishing has some differences with the series of Bottom Fishing, especially in terms of materials used, but structurally as well as a series of Deep Bottom Fishing Bottom Fishing is the same. Here areis the basic fishing standard circuit structure :
Main Ropes / Mainline: is a string with a length of several hundred meters that connects anglers with the leader or terminal rig. In order Mainline is to reduce or drown bait down to the seabed. Several kinds of type string can be used as Mainline, but for reasons of parsimony, most anglers use a type of nylon monofilament as the main rope. Even so there are some anglers who feel more comfortable using a rope braided / Pe as a main rope with reason, not braided rope is stretched so that gives an opportunity for anglers to feel the vibration provided by a fish when it hit the bait with more sensitive.
Leader / Rig Terminal: It is the rope 2 to 5 meters long that connects the main rope with some eye hook and a weight attached to the leader. Leader or the terminal can use a nylon monofilament rig but better off using steel fiber cables (slings) to avoid the breakup leader due to the sharp teeth of fish and also due to friction with the rough surface of the reef. To connect the hook with leader used a short trace. A trace placed on the leader by using knots / knot or with the use of swivel.
Trace: a few centimeters of rope that is useful for connecting the hook with leader / terminal rig. Trace attached to the terminal rig to use knots / knot or by means of swivel. So the trace can be mounted and easily removable from the leader to replace a broken hook or to change the size of the hook.
Kail Eye / Hook: Every eye hook fastened padasetiap trace tip mounted on a leader.
Weights / sinker: is the ballast that weighs adapted to fast currents and water depth. The more weight, the faster the bait and fishing rod series will reach the bottom of the sea. Ballast is usually made from metal, tin, iron and other metals.
In some cases fitted with a series of basic fishing bait bags / chumbag trace mounted on top or attached to the swivel that connects the leader with Mainline. Ordinary Chumbag filled with chopped fresh fish for more fish attract predators.
Fishing History
Fishing in the sense of catching fish has been known by mankind since time immemorial civilization some 10,000 years ago. This is evident from archaeological relics in the old caves in Europe that fishing activity has been used since the discovery of bones, eye hook and pictures and paintings on stone age in these caves.
From a variety of fishing techniques on the Neolithic period around 4000-8000 years ago that evolved into a more modern technique and is still used today. Similarly, fish processing, is currently the way it was done with the same techniques such as preservation of fish with salt or by fumigation.
Fishing Techniques
Based on the way, fishing is only one way to catch fish or aquatic animals, other than by way of fishing there are several other ways to catch fish, namely:
By Hand
Catching fish by hand can be done in such shallow water in the creek. Understanding catch fish by hand became widespread in terms of fishing that is, without using a cane fishing pole (rod), but keep using fishing line and string roller or so-called fishing hand.
When fishing at sea, catch fish this way is often used for this type of sea bottom fishing (bottom fishing). In the UK and U.S. catch trout and salmon in shallow water rivers can be done by hand (trout tickling).
In marine waters to collect shells by hand can be done by diving.
Catching fish by spear easier than by hand and in this way has been used since long time by humans.
The spearhead is made in such a way as on the hook for the fish caught can not escape the eyes of the spear.
Spear used to mermacam-forms, of which have a short handle to a long and often branched three end of the flute (a kind of trident), or can be only one-eyed.
At the present time how to catch fish can use a harpoon is a spear fishing tool that given a long rope.
Catch fish in this way required to use a boat to catch fish that way is pursued.
Harpoon fired by using a launcher tool, this tool usually used to catch whales.
Once exposed to harpoon fish, then fish pulled and then lifted upwards deck.
Fishing lines
Usually this means technically is not devoted to fishing.
This technique is more often used to capture various types of seabed animals or mollusks such as oysters, lobsters, crabs and similar animals at the bottom of the water or the seabed.
The trick with using a compressor that works with siphon water into the vessel and then filtered and then thrown back into sea water.
Done by menyerok with nets or spread nets that later was appointed or by placing nets in a way expected for a certain time and then was appointed the new nets.
Or it could also nets lowered into the sea by boat and walked slowly to form a circle.
This can be done in freshwater or in sea. If at sea in this way is usually to catch shrimp, small fish or squid.
And is usually done at night using lighting equipment to attract the animals. Nets that are used are placed on bamboo buildings are usually called chart.
How this is done by raising a kite made of materials resistant to water and flown by using the rope.
Previous kite strings in question have been given on the tail end of the rope on the strings is given the hook and bait, and cultivated for the hook and bait can be splashed into the water.
But this method is less effective if done when the weather does not support such as rain or strong winds
Hole in the ice surface
This technique is done at sea or lakes that are frozen due to cold climate in the area.
Catch fish this way is done by drilling or making holes in the ice for the fishing pole to get into water through a hole that was created earlier.
then insert the barb into the hole on the hook to penetrate the water under the ice sheet that has been given hole.
Help animals
In China and Japan fishing techniques to use similar water-trained birds, the birds Cormorant.
Usually this technique is carried out together with other fishermen who all have of this bird. By boat the fishermen in a circle and then the birds are instructed to pursue fish with a direction to the center of the circle.
After chasing and catching fish, birds back onto the boat. This technique has been around since long in the country and passed down by generations.
Fish poison
This technique is prohibited and may lead to the destruction of coral reefs due to the toxin. Usually use barbasco, or potassium cyanide in order to make the fish become weak, but many also died.
Catching fish with this technique is usually done for ornamental fish for coral species may be sold alive.
In pictures shown to catch fish with barbasco, a type of poison from the roots of trees after the water will dissolve into whitish color.
Electric shocks
Usually use the wand on the end connected to the electricity-producing devices such as batteries, car battery or electric generator.
This technique is also not allowed, especially for sea fishing because it can affect and damage coral reefs.
This method is more effective done in freshwater such as rivers, ponds or pools.
This technique is also forbidden, sometimes blasting using dynamite or other explosives. This technique can also lead to the destruction of coral reefs and fish habitat.
From a variety of fishing techniques on the Neolithic period around 4000-8000 years ago that evolved into a more modern technique and is still used today. Similarly, fish processing, is currently the way it was done with the same techniques such as preservation of fish with salt or by fumigation.
Fishing Techniques
Based on the way, fishing is only one way to catch fish or aquatic animals, other than by way of fishing there are several other ways to catch fish, namely:
By Hand
Catching fish by hand can be done in such shallow water in the creek. Understanding catch fish by hand became widespread in terms of fishing that is, without using a cane fishing pole (rod), but keep using fishing line and string roller or so-called fishing hand.
When fishing at sea, catch fish this way is often used for this type of sea bottom fishing (bottom fishing). In the UK and U.S. catch trout and salmon in shallow water rivers can be done by hand (trout tickling).
In marine waters to collect shells by hand can be done by diving.
Catching fish by spear easier than by hand and in this way has been used since long time by humans.
The spearhead is made in such a way as on the hook for the fish caught can not escape the eyes of the spear.
Spear used to mermacam-forms, of which have a short handle to a long and often branched three end of the flute (a kind of trident), or can be only one-eyed.
At the present time how to catch fish can use a harpoon is a spear fishing tool that given a long rope.
Catch fish in this way required to use a boat to catch fish that way is pursued.
Harpoon fired by using a launcher tool, this tool usually used to catch whales.
Once exposed to harpoon fish, then fish pulled and then lifted upwards deck.
Fishing lines
Usually this means technically is not devoted to fishing.
This technique is more often used to capture various types of seabed animals or mollusks such as oysters, lobsters, crabs and similar animals at the bottom of the water or the seabed.
The trick with using a compressor that works with siphon water into the vessel and then filtered and then thrown back into sea water.
Done by menyerok with nets or spread nets that later was appointed or by placing nets in a way expected for a certain time and then was appointed the new nets.
Or it could also nets lowered into the sea by boat and walked slowly to form a circle.
This can be done in freshwater or in sea. If at sea in this way is usually to catch shrimp, small fish or squid.
And is usually done at night using lighting equipment to attract the animals. Nets that are used are placed on bamboo buildings are usually called chart.
How this is done by raising a kite made of materials resistant to water and flown by using the rope.
Previous kite strings in question have been given on the tail end of the rope on the strings is given the hook and bait, and cultivated for the hook and bait can be splashed into the water.
But this method is less effective if done when the weather does not support such as rain or strong winds
Hole in the ice surface
This technique is done at sea or lakes that are frozen due to cold climate in the area.
Catch fish this way is done by drilling or making holes in the ice for the fishing pole to get into water through a hole that was created earlier.
then insert the barb into the hole on the hook to penetrate the water under the ice sheet that has been given hole.
Help animals
In China and Japan fishing techniques to use similar water-trained birds, the birds Cormorant.
Usually this technique is carried out together with other fishermen who all have of this bird. By boat the fishermen in a circle and then the birds are instructed to pursue fish with a direction to the center of the circle.
After chasing and catching fish, birds back onto the boat. This technique has been around since long in the country and passed down by generations.
Fish poison
This technique is prohibited and may lead to the destruction of coral reefs due to the toxin. Usually use barbasco, or potassium cyanide in order to make the fish become weak, but many also died.
Catching fish with this technique is usually done for ornamental fish for coral species may be sold alive.
In pictures shown to catch fish with barbasco, a type of poison from the roots of trees after the water will dissolve into whitish color.
Electric shocks
Usually use the wand on the end connected to the electricity-producing devices such as batteries, car battery or electric generator.
This technique is also not allowed, especially for sea fishing because it can affect and damage coral reefs.
This method is more effective done in freshwater such as rivers, ponds or pools.
This technique is also forbidden, sometimes blasting using dynamite or other explosives. This technique can also lead to the destruction of coral reefs and fish habitat.
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