Rabu, 23 Maret 2011


Beberapa ramuan umpan ikan berikut ini digunakan untuk satu hari pemancingan. Jika dianggap terlalu banyak maka takaran menu dapat anda ubah sendiri sesuai dengan perbandingannya.
3 kg ikan mas atau belut
cara membuat :
Bila memakai ikan mas, buang isi perut dan insangnya, kukus hingga masak. Untuk belut, masukan saja ke dalam kantong plastik bening dapat juga ditambahkan daun pandan dan sedikit daun sereh, kukus hingga matang.
Cara pakai cukup diambil dagingnya saja, kaitkan pada kail.
30 Tongkol jagung muda
1,5 ons singkong
0,5 butir kelapa muda
1 blok keju Kraft
Roombutter Weijmans secukupnya
5 butir kuning telur bebek ( boleh tidak dipakai )
3 kg kroto (kroto beras)
Cara membuat :

Jagung, singkong, kelapa muda dan keju diparut lalu dicampurkan dengan sisa bahan dan diaduk rata. Adonan dibungkus rapat dengan alumunium foil. Dikukus selama 2 jam dengan api kecil, air sudah harus mendidih saat adonan dimasukkan. Kroto dicampurkan saat umpan akan dipakai.
RAMUAN UMPAN (3)5 kg ubi jalar
2kg daging belut
Ocoy (pengeras umpan) secukupnya
2 kg kroto
Cara membuat :
Ubi jalar dikupas. Ubi jalar, daging belut, dan ocoy dicampurkan kemudian dihaluskan dengan blender. Ocoy fungsinya sebagai pengeras. Bila tidak ada, bisa diganti dengan tepung mie atau susu bubuk. Saat akan dipakai, adonan dicampur lagi denagan kroto.
1 kg ubi kuning
20 tongkol jagung manis
1 pak keju Kraft (250 g)
250 gram mentega
3 kaleng ikan tuna
250 gram Bubur bayi Cerelac rasa pisang
10 ekor belut
8 butir telur (bagian kuningnya saja)
Susu murni secukupnya
1 kg kroto
Cara membuat :
Ubi, belut dan parutan jagung manis dikukus terpisah. Untuk jagung kukus setengah matang saja.Parut ubi dan keju, haluskan daging ikan tuna dan daging belut. Campurkan semua bahan di atas tadi aduk hingga rata. Untuk kroto dicampurkan saat umpan akan dipakai.

2 bungkus Indomie kari ayam
4 butir telur ayam kampung
2 sendok makan penuh bubur bayi Nutrisia beras
1 sendok makan susu bubuk Infamil
2 sendok makan roombutter Weijmans
1 sendok teh keju Kraft
1 sendok teh bubur bayi Cerelac beras
Cara membuat :
Indomie diblender sampai halus lalu diaduk dengan kuning telur yang sudah dikocok. Roombutter dipanaskan sampai mencair. Ke dalamnya lalu dimasukkan keju parut dan diaduk. Pemanasan diteruskan dengan api kecil. Bahan-bahan lain kemudian dicampurkan. Selama pengadukan, api harus tetap kecil supaya adonan tidak hangus. Setelah warnanya agak kuning, bubur bayi Cerelac beras dimasukkan dan diaduk lagi. Adonan didinginkan sebelum dimasukkan kedalam kaleng untuk disimpan. Cerelac berfungsi untuk pengeras umpan. Apabila saat dipakai umpan terlalu lembek ( mudah hancur ), tepung Cerelac dapat ditambahkan lagi. Sebelum dipakai umpan harus dicampur rata dengan telur semut merah atau kroto secukupnya.
1,5 bungkus mie instan
3 sendok makan pelet
2 ons kelapa parut
2 ons ubi jalar putih atau kuning
2 ons ikan tongkol segar atau olahan
1,5 ons susu bubuk full cream
4 butir telur bebek ( mentah atau asin )
1,5 ons keju
2 ons kroto
3 tetes esen nangka
Cara membuat :
Mie instan dan pelet dibuat menjadi tepung, kelapa parut dibuat santan dan digodok sampai keluar minyaknya. Ubi jalar dikupas dan dicuci bersih lalu dikukus sampai matang. Ikan tongkol dicuci bersih dan dikukus sampai matang. Kulit dan duri ikan dibuang kemudian ikan digoreng dengan minyak hasil rebusan santan kelapa.Telur bebek mentah digodok sampai matang dan diambil bagian kuningnya. Keju diparut. Semua campuran bahan diaduk atau ditumbuk bersama susu dan esen sampai benar – benar halus dan tercampur dengan baik. Kroto diseduh dengan air mendidih. kotoran dan semut yang masih ada dibuang lalu ditiriskan dengan sedikit diperas. Kroto dicampurkan dengan umpan pada saat mulai mancing.
2 tongkol jagung manis (sweetcorn ) muda
1,5 ons ubi jalar manis
1 ons singkong
0,5 ons keju Kraft
2 kuning telur ayam kampung
0,5 sendok teh gula pasir
0,5 sendok garam
1 ons kacang tanah
2 ons kacang mete
mentega secukupnya
Cara membuat :
Kacang mete dan kacang tanah digoreng dengan mentega, setelah matang keduanya kemudian diblender sampai benar-benar halus. Jagung muda, ubi jalar, dan singkong dikupas lalu diparut sampai halus demikian juga keju kraft dihaluskan, diaduk jadi satu dengan bahan-bahan yang lain, kemudian dibungkus, dikukus dengan api besar sampai matang. Pada saat digunakan, umpan umpan jagung ini harus dicampur dulu dengan kroto atau daging belut.
3 buah ubi jalar manis
1 kaleng Tuna (Tuna in oil)
2 bungkus Chiki Snack keju
2 bungkus pelet merah
1 tutup botol minyak ikan (Scott’s Emultion White)
Cara membuat :
Kukus ubi jalar, parut dan haluskan. Remas Chiki Snack hingga hancur, campurkan dengan adonan aduk lagi sampai rata. Tuna kaleng dibuka tuangkan minyaknya saja tambahkan sedikit air tuang lagi ke adonan (daging ikan dapat dipakai ke umpan lain). Masukkan pelet dan minyak ikan Scott’s, aduk hingga merata. Campurkan kroto atau daging belut saat akan dipakai.
20 tongkol jagung manis
1/3 kelapa ukuran sedang.
1 kg ubi kuning
1 blok keju Kraft
3/4 sendok makan mentega Weijmans
8 butitr telur bebek
1 liter susu sapi murni.
Bahan campuran lain :
4 ekor bandeng hitam basah
2 Kg kroto putih segar
Cara membuat :
Jagung dan kelapa digiling halus. Ubi kuning dikukus lalu diparut. Keju diparut. Susu sapi dimasak diatas api kecil sambil terus diaduk hingga tinggal 6 sendok makan. Telur bebek ( 5 butir campur dan 3 kuningnya saja ) diaduk dengan mixer pada kecepatan tinggi. Jagung, kelapa, ubi, keju, susu sapi, dan mentega dicampurkan ke adonan telur sambil terus diaduk pada kecepatan tinggi. Umpan siap dipakai. Catatan : Jika akan dipakai mancing pada pagi hari, umpan harus dibuat malam hari dan harus sudah jadi tepat menjelang pagi.
Cara memakai : Kroto puith sebanyak 1/2 dikukus lalu dicampur pelet. Gunakan sebagai bom. Kroto dikukus dengan maksud agar bisa tenggelam. Seperti biasa, sebelum dipasang umpan harus dicampur lagi dengan kroto di bagian luarnya. Jika ikan mas di kolam ternyata menyukai umpan amis, selain kroto, adonan boleh dicampur lagi dengan daging bandeng yang sebelumnya telah dikukus dan dihaluskan. Daging bandeng bisa dicampur langsung ke adonan atau hanya dibagian luar.
2 kg kroto beras
2 butir telur ayam
500 gram tepung ketan
Daun pandan
Cara membuat :
Rendam kroto dengan air panas, bersihkan hingga tersisa yang putihnya saja. Kocok telur, tambahkan tepung ketan, aduk dan ratakan tambahkan sedikit air agar adonan tidak liat (agak encer). Masukkan kroto sedikit demi sedikit, aduk secara perlahan agar kroto tidak terlalu hancur. Gunakan daun pisang untuk membungkus adonan tambahkan daun pandan agar menjadi wangi, jadikan beberapa bungkus kecil. Lalu dikukus dengan api kecil. Saat akan dipakai beri kroto segar, tak perlu diaduk, pulungan umpan cukup diguling-gulingkan saja pada kroto. Jika umpan terlalu lembek dapat ditambahkan pengeras.
150 gram ubi jalar
100 gram singkong
2 tongkol jagung manis
50 gram keju
2 kuning telur ayam kampung
1,5 sendok makan gula
1,5 sendok garam halus
50 gram kacang tanah goreng
50 gram kacang mete goreng
Cara membuat :
Kukus ubi jalar, singkong, dan jagung manis sampai setengah matang. Parut keju kemudian aduk rata bersama kuning telur. Giling kacang tanah dan mete dengan blender, goreng sampai halus. Tambahkan ubi jalar, singkong, jagung yang telah dikukus, keju dicampur kuning telur, garam, dan gula. Blender sekali lagi hingga halus dan tercampur merata. Kukus adonan yang telah diblender diatas cetakan kue beralas daun pisang kurang lebih 30 menit. Campurkan kroto sewaktu akan digunakan.

Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

Tips & Trik Mancing Galatama

Beberapa tip dan trik menarik untuk mancing ikan mas ala galatama :
  • Untuk meningkatkan kepekaan gigitan ikan mas, gunakan kenur super. Kenur berteknologi tinggi ini memiliki diameter kecil untuk kekuatan yang sama pada kenur monofilament. Braided Line atau kenur super ini memiliki sifat low stretch (daya renggang/mulur yang rendah) sehingga meningkatkan kepekaan, memudahkan tertancapnya mulut ikan artinya tidak memerlukan sentakan yang terlalu keras, diameter yang kecil meningkatkan kamuflase atau dengan kata lain meminimalkan bayangan kenur yang dapat terlihat ikan. Namun sangat disarankan kenur super ini untuk dipadukan dengan joran dan penggulung yang dikhususkan untuk kenur super agar didapat performanya yang maksimal, sebagai contoh Spider Wire dari Spectra 10 lb ~ 15 lb test dengan Spider Cast Rod dan Spider Cast Reel SC 30 produk Mitchell. Maka sensasi kenur super dapat secara maksimal diterapkan. Namun jika hanya ingin merasakan kehebatan kenur super ini, harap digunakan joran yang agak lentur, kurangi tekanan drag dan mainkan secara lembut ketika menyentak atau memainkan ikan.
  • Selain kenur super di atas tadi, untuk meningkatkan kepekaan terhadap sambaran atau gigitan ikan. Gunakanlah jari telunjuk, sambil memegang joran sentuhlah kenur yang keluar dari penggulung dengan telunjuk. Ikan yang gigitannya halus sekalipun akan dapat dirasakan jari anda.
  • Biasakanlah setelah melontar umpan untuk tidak segera mengencangkan kenur. Tutup bail arm penggulung yang dibuka saat akan melontar tadi. Pegang dahulu joran atau dapat juga di taruh di tatakan joran. Perhatikan kenur yang mengambang di air, gulung sedikit untuk meluruskan kenur. Biarkan kenur perlahan-lahan tenggelam mulai dari tempat yang jauh. Sesaat setelah melontar tadi adalah awal waktu untuk memperhatikan kenur tersebut, karena sering sekali ikan mas di empang galatama menyambar umpan yang baru terjatuh memecah air. Lihat gerakan kenur yang maju secara perlahan atau cepat, gerakannya seperti ular atau kereta yang bergerak maju, inilah saat yang tepat untuk strike (menggentak joran).
  • Pernahkah anda melihat seorang pegalatama yang sedang mengketuk-ketuk gagang dari joran yang bersandar di cagaknya. Tindakan menggedor joran ini bukan tanpa sebab, bukan juga karena pemancing sedang stres karena tidak ditarik ikan. Ketukan pada batang joran akan mengirimkan getaran-getaran lewat kenur langsung menuju umpan. Seandainya joran didiamkan saja, lalu ada ikan mas yang secara halus menyedot umpan namun segera memuntahkannya kembali karena menyadari umpan tersebut memiliki beban akibat pemberat atau kenur. Maka apabila pemancingnya saat itu aktif menggedor joran maka ikan yang sedang menyedot umpan itu akan dikagetkan oleh getaran yang diterimanya hingga membuat ikan tersebut lari menjauh sambil berusaha memuntahkan umpan dan gerak larinya ikan justru membuat kail tertancap dengan sendirirnya di mulut ikan.
  • Jangan abaikan gelembung-gelembung udara atau rembesan yang berputar-putar di sekitar dinding kolam bagian dek atau tidak jauh di depan lapak. Memang tak dapat dipastikan apakah itu ikan mas atau ikan mas yang berukuran super, namun tak ada salahnya dicoba. Umpan bom sebaiknya jangan ditempelkan ke rangkaian, cukup taburkan ke arah rembesan tadi. Gunakan umpan yang kecil saja, kalau bisa turunkan umpan secara perlahan agar tak mengagetkan ikan. Setelan drag harap dikurangi. Miringkan joran atau perkecil sudut yang dihasilkan kenur dan dakar kolam sehingga arah kenur menjadi miring atau tidak tegak lurus, sabarlah karena ikan tidak segera memakan umpan. Gerakan-gerakan kecil ujung joran yang menukik ke air menandakan keberadaan ikan. Jangan digentak dulu kecuali bila benar-benar yakin, karena gerakan yang tadi itu akibat kenur yang tersenggol ikan atau ikan sedang menggoser atau membersihkan dasar kolam dengan sirip dan bagian bawah badannya. Gantilah bila beberapa saat umpan tak dimakan. Kesabaran akan berhasil bila tiba-tiba ujung joran menukik deras atau ril yang menjerit karena kenur dilarikan ikan.

Snapper Fishing Tips White River

Have you ever failed to fishing because of its location is not predictable so that your plan does not work? For example in the sea, you neglect to read the clouds so that rain and storms, so the fishing plan to fail. Or perhaps you come from far-jauah fishing in a river but after reaching the location of the target fish you want does not exist.
Have you ever expect to get the fish lure according to the desired target?
Have you much considering the characteristics of the location of waters that have the possibility of a chance of fish you target?

Here we submit articles about the White Snapper Fishing in the waters of the River, all add a thread a few colleagues who have preceded the opening daam this forum thread.
Perch have the ability to adapt quickly to the conditions of brackish water into the salty waters (sea) or vice versa. So often an angler get white snapper in the river with a variety of sizes.
This usually happens because the system does allow such salinity. Specific fish food, (see my article about Bait Fishing sebelummnya White Snapper) consists of a group of small fish and crustaceans.

Snapper habitat characteristics where the White River, among others: ü The river was wide, has a wet surface such as the cross-section of 30 meters, with depth enough for the size of the fish equivalent of 5kg (in Java) (I conclude about the depth of 5 meters is enough to make the possibility of large migratory fish or live)
ü Debit continuous water flow. (Not too often the flood or sentoran from the location above, hell ... if flooding is common)
ü type of water salinity: brackish water or sea water intrusion at high tide. As far as tides water may reach the river on land, then to the extent that fishing predator fish is done first class.
ü Color relatively clean river water to green (algae) or yellow or brown (like tea).
ü Being in deep (basin / river into a groove).

The location of the river are ideal for white snapper habitat:
- The river is relatively free from impurities in the form of garbage, Olie and floating timber. (You will never find this perch in the river water is a lot of junk, this fish is considered a clean voters' locations).
- Location of many milestones, or mangrove wood stick, a former bridge on pile cap or bridge.
- When the flow of the river there is activity or activities of loading and unloading of shipping, you will be better fishing in the vicinity of the location of activities in the upstream (toward the ocean).
- When fishing in the river with its banks plant ferns, we recommend searching for the location of the river with depths that have a deep and wide positions.
(If you get this fish in fishing when you do, then visit this site about 1-2 months later because the more often you visit again, the more time you waste sia2. ... Hmm ... mm.'d Better fishing in the river such as planting and harvest> create their own river fishing location and the entrance should not be too widely known)
- When fishing in a river with banks of stone or wood pillars, look for deep water in and my advice should you be the downstream position (above), try to bait moves in between the upstream and downstream around the bottom.
- If the flow of the estuary of the river narrows and there is a dike of wood, stone embankment sides AAU hard rocky soil texture then you should probably just fishing around the estuary, not far away from the estuary. (My message: if night fishing at the mouth of the river you should simply stay alert and keep one for another position your fishing friends.)

Additional equipment:
In addition to fishing equipment, the equipment should you bring when fishing in the river which is very necessary you take (especially if you have never been fishing in these locations before) are:

* Parang small> to open the land / location.
* Rubber shoes or safety shoes> for the protection of feet against the twigs / branches dry when you run along the river
* Smoking cigarettes / tobacco leaf> this stuff on guard when exposed to leeches or Pacet, tobacco mixture to remove water-sucking leeches mouth / Pacet.
Fishing Methods: My recommendation baits: live white shrimp / eel living / small whole squid
Fishing methods are appropriate:

* Fly fishing
- Feed you wear a little bigger than usual bait used in the sea. For example: Bait fishing in the sea wearing a white shrimp is 10-12 cm in the river / estuary could be used the size of 15cm. - Replace the leader line 80 alternately along 40cm dg, dg swivell directly connected. Bait is only allowed 1 head. - We recommend that the more often you do lift the bait down a few times. (Tired of it if fishing in the river continues down ... lift ..)

* Fishing with tin pendulum.
Try to position the bait at a height of 75 cm to 1 meter above the pendulum. The pendulum should not be too heavy.

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Fishing techniques FISH IN THE SEA

Deep-sea fishing techniques vary widely, depending on the location of fishing, species of fish, etc.. To start I tried to write about fishing tools. You will find various types of fishing devices on fishing shops. Below are some of the fishing tool we've ever tried: 1. Spinning 2. Bait-casting 3. Spin-casting 4. Conventional 5. Fly-fishing
For information and forms of fishing tools mentioned above, please click here. Sea fishing can be divided into two categories: Fishing from Mainland (Inshore) and IN THE MIDDLE SEA Fishing (Offshore): Fishing From the mainland (Inshore): There are several types of fishing from the mainland, among others:
1. SURFISHING (Fishing from the beach): Usually done at the edge of sandy beaches, and SPINNING is a common device used here. Can also use other types of devices, depending on the type of fish you want. Small crabs, marine worms, shrimp, sliced fish, the fish live and artificial bait also can be used as bait. On the potential locations, you may be able to lure large fish.
2. PIERFISHING (Fishing from the pier): Fishing from the port, timber wharf or retaining wave. Most anglers from the dock to do it for recreation, also brought along their families. But Andapun should try it, because it is not impossible to get the big fish like sharks, manta rays, white snapper, etc.. A common tool used was a type SPINNING, because it is easy to use. Decoys are used together with SURFISHING.
3. ROCKFISHING (Fishing from the rocks): From the name it is clear that fishing activities conducted from the location of a rocky reef. I once watched a movie about fishing from the rocks, and as an inducement targets are Marlin fish. Marlin is not a common target in ROCKFISHING, and I've never seen before and was very thrilling and exciting. Usually at ROCKFISHING can get bigger fish when compared with SURFISHING and PIERFISHING. Both devices and bait used was the same as SURFISHING and PIERFISHING, but the fishing activities carried out from the craggy coast are also a bit steep and difficult to achieve in some locations.

IN THE MIDDLE SEA Fishing (Offshore): Fishing from the sea there are also some kinds of techniques that can be done:
1. BOTTOM FISHING (Fishing Association / jebluk): Fishing from the boat is at anchor above are considered potential locations such as clusters of coral, tubiran, etc.. Using the weights (usually made of tin) to sink the bait to the bottom of the sea. Bait commonly used include shrimp, live fish, slices of fish, marine worms, etc.. You can use the device type as you wish. At the location of a potentially big fish, you should use a conventional type. You will have a long fishing lines as well as middle-class kenur using conventional type. As for the smaller fish would be more fun if you use the type of spinning or baitcasting.
2. Jerking (Fishing pounding / ngotrek): Same as in the fishing association, the difference lies in the bait used. Fishing ngotrek using artificial bait for a given ballast to sink to the bottom of the sea. And the bait they will usually resemble small fish, worms, shrimp, etc.. Throwing the bait and then stalling kenur to bait down to the sea floor, then roll kenur while moving the rod to create a movement to make it look like live bait. After the bait to the surface drowned feed back, then roll again. Similarly, repeated until there are fish bait tsb. A common tool used is the type of spinning, baitcasting and conventional.
3. Kite FISHING (Fishing using a kite): Fishing from a boat by using a kite to keep the bait at a certain distance. And also to keep the bait to stay on the surface of the water, because this technique is usually done to catch the fish surface (palagis). Some anglers even use snares to catch fish. The device is usually used is the type of spinning, and besides using a kite can also use the balloon.
4. Drifting (Fishing berhanyut): Can be defined away the bait or boat, both will cause the same effect. The best bait is live bait used by using the device type of spinning, baitcasting or conventional. There is also the angler who did this to find a cluster of coral surrounded by fish lure. Once there is a bait, usually anchor in the cast at the site.
5. Trolling (Fishing Tonda): Using live bait or artificial bait fresh and also is common in this technique. Usually feed on Helah behind a boat moving forward at a certain speed. It is recommended to use conventional tools, because the fish usually target the fish that are large.

Sea Fishing Techniques Using Buoy

How much simpler berpelampung sea fishing than fishing heavy foundation. This technique is done to avoid from being lodged bait from the rock or other object on the seabed.

Use a measuring rod for more than two meters long and even more in order to throw the bait when fishing deep into the middle of the seafront and on the reef. And use a measuring rod long enough for more free throws the bait of the sea on the ship / boat fishing.

Select a buoy real strings along the 200 to 300 meters with a string diameter of 4 lbs to 20 lbs (according to the needs and conditions of the location) along approximately 1 to 2 meters.

Various kinds of bait that can be used for fishing the buoy, ranging from shrimp to live / die, the fish alive / dead, dead squid / full pieces and even until the dead fish / piece. Throw the fish into the sea and let it drift floating fish (use a light stick fishing at night to know the position of buoys).

Streching bait taste and stel fishing real drag to the size of a very mild, it is done so when the fish grabbed the bait, the fish was not suspicious. If the bait was struck by a fish, then the real would creak and spol taut strings rotating with the stalling out.
Leave it up to stop pulling fish to swallow the bait, then fasten then drag suits medium to strike position. Enjoy resistance and disable it until the bait fish do not run off into the reef or other nuisance objects.

Sea Fishing Techniques: Off Shore

Fishing techniques in the middle of the sea is Bottom Fishing, jerking, Drifting, Trolling and Kite Fishing. In order not to panasaran with this technique, in particular for sea fishing, pulauseribu.net presents for you. 1. BOTTOM FISHING (Fishing Association / jebluk): Fishing from the boat is at anchor above are considered potential locations such as clusters of coral, tubiran, etc.. Using the weights (usually made of tin) to sink the bait to the bottom of the sea. Bait commonly used include shrimp, live fish, slices of fish, marine worms, etc.. You can use the device type as you wish. At the location of a potentially big fish, you should use a conventional type. You will have a long fishing lines as well as middle-class kenur using conventional type. As for the smaller fish would be more fun if you use the type of spinning or baitcasting.
2. Jerking (Fishing pounding / ngotrek): Same as in the fishing association, the difference lies in the bait used. Fishing ngotrek using artificial bait for a given ballast to sink to the bottom of the sea. And the bait they will usually resemble small fish, worms, shrimp, etc.. Throwing the bait and then stalling kenur to bait down to the sea floor, then roll kenur while moving the rod to create a movement to make it look like live bait. After the bait to the surface drowned feed back, then roll again. Similarly, repeated until there are fish bait tsb. A common tool used is the type of spinning, baitcasting and conventional.
3. Kite FISHING (Fishing using a kite): Fishing from a boat by using a kite to keep the bait at a certain distance. And also to keep the bait to stay on the surface of the water, because this technique is usually done to catch the fish surface (palagis). Some anglers even use snares to catch fish. The device is usually used is the type of spinning, and besides using a kite can also use the balloon.
4. Drifting (Fishing berhanyut): Can be defined away the bait or boat, both will cause the same effect. The best bait is live bait used by using the device type of spinning, baitcasting or conventional. There is also the angler who did this to find a cluster of coral surrounded by fish lure. Once there is a bait, usually anchor in the cast at the site.
5. Trolling (Fishing Tonda): Using live bait or artificial bait fresh and also is common in this technique. Usually feed on Helah behind a boat moving forward at a certain speed. It is recommended to use conventional tools, because the fish usually target the fish that are large.

Longline fishing is a way of fishing that destroy marine ecosystems

Long lines are literally is a long strap, but the use of the word "line" in the fishing lure is defined as the process itself and not the rope. Any fishing activity that uses a rope is always attached to the word line. How to longline fishing lure is to use a string / rope length as the main rope with tens or even hundreds of branches of string or fishing line is shorter eye, called "snoods" are equipped with hundreds of hook.
Decoys are used for each hook that is usually used cephalopods - squid cut into small - small, especially for fish target bluefin tuna. The use of strings to be a big key, using nylon string to measure 7.5 mm by 0.5 mm rope around the branch only. The use of weights can be adjusted to the level of depth of the target fish. Whether in elementary, middle, or float as well as in surface water.
Longline fishing can be done with special boats because of the weight range of string and hook to be withdrawn later. Longline fishing techniques can be performed in deep water, surface waters and in the middle. Techniques for fishing with longline fishing will produce a wide variety of fish species, because of the way that uses hundreds of hook and the user who has a wide range would sweep nearly every living thing in its path. Although the goal is to find commercial fish such as tuna fish, fish mackarel, but in a single pull of other fish such as swordfish, even another animal species such as turtles - turtles can be caught in the eye pole.
Longline fishing is done on the surface is often also damage the environment because the pattern of net broom is able to make a variety of species on the surface like a seagull, too entangled strings or kailnya. Of course, animals - these animals are not fishing target, and usually will immediately discarded by fishermen. The use of longline fishing in deep water sometimes - sometimes also get a protected species like dolphins - dolphins are caught in long strings. Indeed despite the way fishing longline fishing is very easily done by fishermen, but its use is also damaging to the environment, especially if the catch is inconsistent with the purpose to death because the fishing.
Longline fishing techniques fishing is still a choice for the fishermen in different countries, considering this. how fishing is still easy to do and need a cheap resource. Save labor and fuel efficient, is a major factor selecting Longline fishing as a way to get fish. Maritime countries such as Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Belgium is also a user of this fishing, hopefully if Longline fishing is an option to look for fish, other species are caught like a snake - which is protected turtles and fish safely returned to their habitat in order to remain natural estari sea.